I have been thinking of something for a long time, what if nothing is what we think it is?
What if I say that your life has no meaning?
Last night participated in a tweet chat on leadership. The topic "leadership is a prerequisite or responsibility" intrigued me a lot and set me thinking.
For me, leadership is neither a prerequisite nor a responsibility. It is an opportunity, yes, you got it right an opportunity to help people in discovering their hidden greatness.
Each and everyone of us has greatness hidden deep inside. What we need is a trigger to discover that. Role of the leader is to help these people in discovering it.
Obviously, results matter, so leader has to create an environment in which this greatness of people is aligned to the organisational goals.
This way leader creates a truly engaged and aligned organisation. Leader becomes an enabler not a pusher or executed. People execute, people deliver, people achieve and then celebrate.
Don't think that I am again pushing for servant leadership. These are all theories which may work for you. But, we all are at the ground where dirt hits the road. We have to deliver performance. It is only possible through an engaged workforce, which has discovered it's own greatness.
At the end of the day, it is people's business.
I have been under the weather for some time now. All of a sudden Sleeplessness has become a constant companion. Blurred thinking and clouds below eyes are telling a story.
My family and friends (specially few young ones) are helping me destressing. I have been writing regularly. Restarted little bit of poetry and yes music has come back to life.
It set me thinking, specially while travelling to home ( to meet my lovely princesses and the anchor of my life, Seema).
Last one year has been rather difficult and challenging. Some of the challenges are:
1. Constantly living away from family
2. Extended work hours ( min 14 hrs per day)
3. Above all ,most challenging assignment , bringing online new assets.
Work pressures in corporate life is not new. To some extent, it promotes excellence. But question is how much of this is OK. We give up some part of ourselves (may be on permanent basis) in these situations. We will never be able to retrieve back this lost part again.
What is then the sweet spot for all of us? I am grappling with this question right now.
Something, which comes to mind immediately is to check if the contribution you are making while going through the pressure situation is worth it.
In my case, the answer seems to be yes. Bringing new assets online is exciting and challenging. It creates permanent source of employment and livelihood for people. It also adds value to the national economy.
Please keep one thing in mind, realise that the pressure is on you. This realisation itself is enough sometime.
I invite all of you to contribute your experiences and how you are tackling it.
Love to hear from you, as always.